Episode 278

Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs : Exposing & Rewiring Scarcity Thinking with Victor Manzo Jr.

Published on: 20th February, 2024

If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle, join me as I talk with Victor Manzo Jr. about Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs! We all have subconscious programming that influences our decisions and behaviors, making it challenging to break free from negative patterns. But what if I told you there's a way to increase self-awareness and improve decision-making skills by understanding and reprogramming this subconscious matrix?

Victor's personal experiences with financial fears and subconscious beliefs offer valuable insights into the impact of mindset on professional and personal success. He highlights the transformative power of self-awareness and the necessity of ridding ourselves of limiting beliefs to achieve true fulfillment. However, it's not just a one-time fix; rather, it's a journey of self-reflection and persistence. It's a muscle we should consistently work out to strengthen and heighten its sensitivity.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unlock new possibilities with Dr. Vic Monzo Jr.'s Quantum Leap Coaching journey.
  • Explore the power of self-reflection and intuition in making successful transitions.
  • Learn about the impact of subconscious beliefs on personal finances and wealth.
  • Unlock the secrets to shifting your mindset towards financial abundance.
  • Gain insights into the importance of mindset shifts for achieving financial success.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:03:10 - The Power of Awareness

00:15:51 - The Impact of Childhood Programming

00:19:40 - Understanding Subconscious Beliefs

00:22:19 - Creating Awareness and Shifting Focus

00:27:19 - Shifting Focus to Growth and Prosperity

00:30:57 - Overcoming Negative Beliefs and Reprogramming the Mind

00:38:00 - Triggers for Limiting Beliefs

00:39:24 - Overcoming Negative Thoughts

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Mike Forrester: ​[:

Victor Manzo Jr.: I'm doing well, brother. Thanks for having me out. I'm excited to be here.

'm like, dude, just the, the [:

Mike Forrester: Yeah. The gentle nudge becomes like a, a strong four by four across the forehead going, Hey Vic, we want you going to do this.

Victor Manzo Jr.: Oh man. I'll tell you. Yeah. I got that towards the end, that nice four by four. And it just like, Oh. It's like that moment where you sit there and it's been doing this for so long. And then you sit and you go, Oh, that's why that comment happened over a year ago. And I totally dismissed it. And then this, I met this person here and it could have went this route. And then I told them nah, I kind of stepped away or whatever. And it was just like those, like all of us. And it's all at once, right? That instant moment, it all shows up.

Um, but it's being aware to [:

Victor Manzo Jr.: I mean, my personal life is amazing. I have a 16 month old who I just adore and spending time with my amazing wife and, uh, uh, just soaking her up, um, you know, being a pediatric chiropractor, I've seen, I've worked with so many moms, so many kids and so much of that. Uh, but when I have one, I finally had one of my own. It's like, I know the stages, so I know it all mentally and logically from experience and talking with so many mothers, um, but to go through my own has just been a game changer. Like I was saying before my professional thing, right? Like I could have played the game better. It's because of my daughter, like she's, just the things I've seen with her and connecting with her and just being with her. Um, it's amazing what kids do. I mean, even, even from a healing perspective, it's been, that's a whole another podcast episode of that alone [00:05:00] of just in 16, but you can tell I like that. I do a lot of self reflecting and I, and I, and I'm very big on it. And the stuff my daughter is awakening in me or having me really just reflect and look inward, it's just been absolutely amazing because how I want to be as a father for her ,is I have to heal my stuff in order to have her help her, you know, be that that father that I want to become. So that I don't pass stuff down to her. And it's been, so yeah, personal life is absolutely amazing. Having a kiddo, I'm not traveling as much as I used to, but that's perfectly fine. You know, it, it, it will come back again. I always joke around with my wife all the time. Like, um, I'm like, you remember all the traveling we used to do before kids? And that's why we waited a little bit. Uh, she's like, yeah, she goes, but look at our life now. I'm like, Oh, no, I'm, I'm, I'm happy with this. Parks, going out, I get to go to almost every day with my, my wife to the parks with my daughter and just see her joy and bliss and doing the same thing over and over. But finding that bliss, it's like, that's life right there.

are you discovering bliss in [:

Victor Manzo Jr.: The simplicity of life, how we have to think. And it's the constructs of we think from humanity. I call it the matrix, but it's what programs our mind and thinking how life should be rather than what life really was designed for us. And it's funny because I talk about this with clients. I've said this for years about we got to get back to that three, four year old of ourself. Um, but now I'm going with the knowledge, I'm going with that experience now. So it's like, it could be the littlest things. I mean, like right now my, my daughter loves singing and she'll start to sing certain songs that we'll sing or in and pick up. And, and it's funny, she'll do it a hundred times a day. And if you look at her when she's doing it, she is smiling, she is happy, and I'm like, [00:07:00] that's what I need to get back to. But if I bring something else to the table, um, this is more from a physical health perspective, I look at how she can like go to pick something up and deep squat. I'm going, yep, honey, you and I, we need to, we got to work on that. I can't be seeing her doing those things. And she can deep squat and then like walk. And I'm just like, yeah, I can't even get down and hold that. I'm like, okay, that's something I got to work on. But it's seeing also like just our natural emotions as, uh, and I can go very deep in all this stuff, but like seeing how we should be moving and how we lose that and all these other things and what's important to, you know, get that back for a variety of reasons, not just, you know, health, there's other things that come with that too. Um, but those are, I mean, it's every, it's an everyday thing with her. It's not like, you know, it's, but that's just some of the things that could be going off the top of my head.

Mike Forrester: Yeah. I was going to say work on those hip flexors and some mobility in our lower back and glutes, right? Um.

Victor Manzo Jr.: Oh yeah. Big time.

, let's jump back. You like, [:

Victor Manzo Jr.: Yeah, I guess I had, you know, there was a point in school, so I'm from Chicago and I went to school in Dallas. And one of the things was is my first trimester in chiropractic school. I got really like bothered. I was kind of like, this is not like, why am I learning medical school stuff? Like it was literally what we go through the first year, year and a half of those people don't know chiropractors and medical doctors go through the same curriculum. Give or take a little couple of different stuff with adjusting and whatnot, but it's pretty much identical for the first year, year and a half. So I'm like, why am I going? I went all the way to Dallas to go to school here. And yet I could have went to school that was in Chicago, and I could have just learned the same thing and been, and why and be away from, be closer to my family and all these things. And I really was getting disheartened. I was like, I was looking [00:10:00] potentially to go back. And then I started to, I felt like, no, there's something else. I need to look into this. I've heard, I thankfully had a chiropractor who got me into all this. Um, he was very philosophical based. Chiropractic has, you know, science, art, and then it has the philosophy. And so I learned a little bit and I was looking for that and I was missing that. And then all of a sudden I found a group of chiropractors and not just students, but also who practice out in the field and they were very philosophically sound. And from there, it was like the body is, you know, the power that made the body heals the body, um, healing happens from above down inside. And now, you know, all these, there's these hermetic principles that are very similar to hermetic principles. And I sat there and I was like, this is it. This is what I've been looking for. Again, a feeling guided me there. And from that moment, I started to get into their world. And I saw, I started being around them. And I knew that school wasn't going to teach me what I need to do to become a chiropractor. I knew that because I went through business school. And I will [00:11:00] never forget this teacher. He was, he had a couple businesses. He was an amazing teacher. Um, because most of the time when you have a teacher, they're not usually excelling in the, the, uh, if they're a chiropractor, they don't usually, usually don't, not always, there's some outliers, and I've met them, um, but it's never really like the dominant one. Um, but this guy was in business and he said 90% of what you're going to learn in business school, you're never going to use. And I was like, I spent how much money to get this degree? And you're telling me I'm not going to use 90% of it? What do you mean? Advanced statistical analysis and all those fun formulas. I had to write it all out. I'm like, I'm never going to use any, you know, it's like one of those things. So I knew that in ahead of time. So when I got into school, after a couple, after a semester or two, I was getting, you know, that feeling was showing up. I was just like, okay, I knew there was something else. My gut kept telling me there was. When I found that, then I started to go, you know what, I need to go to workshops, webinars, I mean, uh, you know, seminars and things like that outside of school to learn this thing called chiropractic. To really learn how to adjust, to [00:12:00] really learn how to do certain things. And even though, and the time, I mean, it was like, you know, people were doing all this, people were all following. It's like anything else. I was just like, no, I just was like, after a certain point, I had started to build the confidence where a couple of people here or there, I mean, I did energy healing at one point I was, I went out to learn energy healing and energy medicine so I can understand chiropractic better.

Mike Forrester: So what is, what is energy medicine then?

Victor Manzo Jr.: Energy medicine is looking at, there's different techniques for it, but it could be something as like Reiki. And that's why I first went into with dealing with the hands and it's moving the energy or moving the chakras. There's two point touch therapy. There's emotion code. These are all various types of modalities that work on moving energy around or clearing energy up or stored energy in certain organs or certain parts of the body and you're just releasing it. So, like, from some people hear these things and they kind of go, oh, that sounds a little out there. Well, they scientifically proven that our fingers. Have negative and positive polarity. I mean, and the thumbs are neutrals, so we.

Mike Forrester: Like a [:

Victor Manzo Jr.: Yeah. Like that. They, this is one of the techniques in chiropractic called B.E.S.T. Um, I had the pleasure of, uh, going to school, he was one trimester ahead of me, um, the grandson who created the technique. And so I used to pick his brain. I wanted to learn as much as I could about it because I was learning energy healing techniques, and all of a sudden I find out chiropractic has a variety of their own. And I was like, what is this? And they're like, this is polarity. You know, you have this, this, this is how you touch and hold in two points. And I was just like, huh, this is interesting stuff. Um, and it opened my whole mind, a whole new world. And that was like, that's what just, again, that feeling of, you know, just there was a synchronicity there and I was like, I just need to go in this direction. And after enough time of, you know, first you take that first jump and you're kind of like, okay, this is interesting and then you come back, um, and you keep making those jumps. It just gets easier and easier. But, you know, I come from, uh, to have that, like to take that jump and then to hear all the feedback or whatever may come. I mean, I come from a very Italian family. That's all I ever heard was [00:14:00] comments and this and that and all this fun stuff. So it's like, I was kind of used to that already. And then chiropractors have to have thick skin because we get, you know, a lot of still, people still think we're not real doctors. And so it's one of those things where I'm just like, cool. I mean, it is what it is. This is what I'm going to do. And the heck with the rest, just watch me and see what happens. And I took that from a sport mentality and some other things, and I started just applying it into my life and moving forward with it.

Mike Forrester: Wow. I, I had no idea that we had like magnetism in our fingertips. That's where I'm like, Vic, I'm stuck on this man. Like, I'll be honest. I'm like the guy, uh, you know, that like, here's something in a sentence and just kind of like, okay, the rest of it went on just like, that's super cool.

cool. But how does that all [:

Mike Forrester: No, that totally makes sense. Well, let's switch gears. And we talked about this a little bit before we jumped on to the conversation was, you know, it's like, um, as far as finances, right? [00:16:00] Our fear of finances. And I had shared with you, you know, like, uh, I grew up in a in a poor family, like my dad was the only one that worked and he was working as a security guard. So you can imagine with, you know, two boys we want to eat. And, uh, you know, it was one of those as I grew up and, you know, got married and everything like that. I would see like the utility company end up, and the truck outside of my house. And my first instinct was run to the computer and go check and see, like, you know, log in energy.com, you know, look at the utilities and see, Hey, am I, you know, up to date on my past due? Hey, I got to pay so I don't have my utilities shut off. Um, it's. It's almost like a, almost like a script or a football play, right? That's written out. Hey, I know this is the situation and it becomes like this [00:17:00] automated thing. Um, you and I had talked about the finance, uh, kind of concerns that we can have, right? Something that you've gone through as well. Can you help to like, layout how do things like, like that, like for you with the finances, how does it get embedded? Like, and we're, we're not even conscious of it, right? I didn't realize it until my wife's like, where are you going so quickly? The utility company is out there. I got to go check. It was like, Oh wait, those words came out of my mouth and it was like, you know, light bulb moment. But how did those things get, um, like embedded kind of to have us take the next actions on those, right?

y a theta state, which means [:

Mike Forrester: So how do you become more aware, like more, um, alert to when those kind of things are happening? Because from what I've experienced, it's not just like, if I had an issue, um, that was hindering me at work, right? My belief system is with me, whether I'm at work or at home, and so it's impacting decisions in both areas. How do we come more mindful, aware and alert [00:21:00] of, like, what those subconscious beliefs are that are impacting us in our life?

see where this may have come [:

Mike Forrester: Gotcha. I know for me, when I hit those kinds of points, I either jump in the shower, I go for a walk seems to be like where, um, I guess like the barriers or the hesitancy, you know, the kind of like the fog of war, so to speak is removed and it's like, I feel like I have additional clarity almost like, you know, when you trying to solve a problem, you jump in the shower and it's like, Oh, Hey, here's the idea. You get the solution for it. Well, um, we had talked about the finances, um, you know, like that being something that has been something like you, you've worked through and continue to work through, how did that come about for you? And then when it comes up, you know, you're like, I already worked through this. What's the best way to handle it? I mean, is it like a one and done, or is it almost like layers that will continue to work through? How does that, [00:25:00] that come about?

at the time. This was back in:

Mike Forrester: What do you mean?

my bank account not growing? [:

Mike Forrester: So how do you, [00:31:00] how do you switch that? Because it's like even saying, Hey, I'm worthy, right? Stuff that you tell yourself or you want to transition. I don't know about you, man. Like when I was going from that limiting belief to where I'm at now, right? It was like, my brain would pretty much be like, Nope, sorry, that's not you. You ain't getting there. Sorry, sucker. How do you, how do you get beyond that? Or is it just like a repetition thing and it's almost like going to the gym and you just got to push out the sets to go. Okay, and now I'm beyond just the bar in doing bench press, you know, but you had to build up that muscle. Is it the same kind of thing or different?

you'll eventually hopefully [:

Mike Forrester: Yeah, that was one thing I was wanting to touch on was to, you know, be like, all right, Vic, is it one and done? Or, you know, do, do we still need to be, uh, you know, [00:37:00] vigilant about it? But it's like, it seems to take up, it's almost like a, when you have a tree that's diseased in your yard and you try to take the tree out, there's all those fruits that run to different places. And so you're dealing with one part of it, but it shows up in a different way. Um, you and I had talked about, you know, from my childhood, I looked for security in the way of having food because my parents put a big old chain and a lock around the fridge so my brother and I couldn't get to the food, right? So as an adult, I had a like stand up fridge full of meat, five year old meat, which I wouldn't suggest eating. But in it being there, it gave me a sense of security of I have food, even though I wouldn't eat it, Vic. But you know, it's just those subconscious, um, beliefs like you've talked about, like those limiting beliefs and the actions we then take in light [00:38:00] of them, you know, because it's like, I want to be that kid that has food, not thinking all the way through it to, can I actually eat the food? Um, so are there certain things that, um, you know, like when you look at yourself, Vic, and you go, Hey, these, these thoughts about, um, not having enough money or, you know, like the limiting beliefs surrounding finances, are there certain things you see that, they happen more frequently when you're there, whether it's, you know, maybe be tired, hungry, um, lonely, like, do you see triggers that kind of put you in that place to, to have those thoughts?

ll coming in. Then it starts [:

Mike Forrester: So if this is something that's new [00:40:00] for me, and I'm like, Vic, I just want to research this more, see, you know, like how this can help me since it's going to impact both my personal and professional life, you know, those, those subconscious beliefs are there. What are like some, some books or just other resources that can help us to, to kind of scratch the surface to learn a little bit about this?

seph Murphy, I'll say is the [:

Mike Forrester: Gotcha. When you mentioned about, you know, like your book and the matrix, what is the matrix within like, um, you know, like how I'm going to perceive life? What, where does that fit in?

there's all these different [:

Mike Forrester: Gotcha. Makes sense. Well, Vic, I appreciate it, man. Thank you for coming in and sharing about like [00:43:00] the, the awareness that we can have, how we can, you know, then work from it and also that it's like, it's not just a one and done, but to give ourselves the patience, the grace and be persistent about working on it and just like vigilance, right? I guess that's the best word. Just being, um, on guard. So, um, Vic, outside of this podcast, how can men connect with you?

Victor Manzo Jr.: The easiest way they connect with me is my website's my hub, you can get access to everything. Um, it's EmpowerYourReality.com. I have my social media links on there, my own podcast I have on there, books and some freebie stuff on there also, uh, that you can get access to to dive deeper into these kinds of concepts when it comes to the mind, uh, mindset and things along that nature.

Mike Forrester: Perfect. Vic, I appreciate it, my friend. Thank you very much.

Victor Manzo Jr.: I appreciate you, brother. Thanks for having me.

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Living Fearless Today
Helping men live fully alive, boldly and courageously
Do you feel overwhelmed when making decisions? Struggle to take action in your personal life or career? Think you're alone in these situations? You're not! In fact, you're in good company. 
I'm Mike Forrester, host of the Living Fearless Today podcast. Join me as I interview other men who triumphed over their own adversities, learn how they did it and where they are today. So that whatever you're facing, know others fought the same battle and have conquered those challenges. They are now encouraging you and me to live our life boldly and courageously alongside them.
Let's disprove the lie that we're the only one who's going through this situation, that no one knows what it's like. You're not alone in the struggle you're working through. As men, we have more in common in our journey than you might want to believe.
Join me here each Tuesday for the interview and then again on Friday as I spotlight the lessons learned. How we can apply them to become the confident and courageous man we're wanting to be - for ourselves, our wife and our children.
Be sure to give a follow to the Living Fearless Today podcast on your favorite platform. I look forward to being with you during the next episode.

About your host

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Mike Forrester

Mike Forrester is a men's transformation coach, founder of the Living Fearless coaching programs, and host of the Living Fearless Today podcast. His insights, methods and stories of overcoming childhood trauma, dyslexia and loss of loved ones have been featured on various podcasts, including Hanging Onto Hope, Extreme Health, Own Your Life Own Your Career and Think Unbroken.