Episode 371

Leaving The Hustle Behind To Find Success Without Compromise with Joe Fier

Published on: 26th November, 2024

It seems there's a nonstop wave of messages saying you must hustle and grind your way to success, sacrificing your personal wellbeing and family to get closer to your professional goals. But is it really true and is it actually worth it? Joe Fier shares his journey from the relentless hustle and grind culture to achieving a more balanced professional and personal life, driven by a shift in his mindset and increased self awareness. Joe emphasizes the significance of setting clear boundaries and managing time effectively to avoid burnout while also putting into place support systems for maintaining overall well being.

Drawing on his early learnings, from his mother's work ethic and his father's people pleasing tendencies, Joe reveals how they shaped his perspectives and behaviors. With his dad's untimely death quickly followed by his first-born daughter's birth a mere two weeks later, he talks about the rollercoaster of emotional lows and highs that led him to reassess his habits and priorities. Joe is now clearer on who he wants to be and how he wants to be present, it's not just about financial success, it's now also about impact and actually living the life he and his wife want to live and call their own. Joe's story serves as an actual example of how intentional living can lead to both professional success and personal satisfaction.

In this episode, you will be able to:

·      Achieve work-life balance without sacrificing professional or personal success.

·      Discover the benefits of joining a men's accountability groups.

·      Explore the impact of personal development on professional success.

·      Understand the reason to move from the hustle to intentional living for a fulfilling life.

·      Learn to handle loss and build resilience for a brighter future.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:13:45 - The Dynamics of Partnerships and Boundaries

00:15:39 - Quietening the Mind and Breath Work

00:21:22 - Reflecting on Parental Influence

00:24:59 - Transitioning to Intentional Time Management

00:28:14 - Coping with Personal Loss and Gaining Insights

00:37:59 - The Power of Community and Intentional Choices

00:40:09 - Importance of Communication and Support

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Mike Forrester:

Well, hello and welcome back, my friend, man.

Mike Forrester:

Today I am with a friend, Joe Fier and Joe and I have had a chance

Mike Forrester:

with Podfest and just talking about podcasts outside of this.

Mike Forrester:

And honestly, as I was beginning my podcasting journey, Joe was

Mike Forrester:

one of the presenters at like an online version of Podfest and man,

Mike Forrester:

just dropped some amazing content.

Mike Forrester:

But beyond just that content, Joe is such an encouraging guy.

Mike Forrester:

He's a host of The Hustle and Flowchart Podcast and what you're going to

Mike Forrester:

catch in those episodes It's not just the business side of things, right?

Mike Forrester:

That's that's part of life, but it's also how do we live life?

Mike Forrester:

How do I find balance and still be effective and live for joy?

Mike Forrester:

Not just You know, my bottom line.

Mike Forrester:

So man, Joe, I'm so excited to have you here today.

Mike Forrester:

How are you doing today, my friend?

Joe Fier:

Hey Mike, it's so good to be here.

Joe Fier:

And yeah, we've been chatting about this, this concept in this

Joe Fier:

episode for a while now, so I'm happy we're making it happen, man.

Mike Forrester:

Yeah, me too.

Mike Forrester:

I mean, it's been one that as we've talked with each other about business

Mike Forrester:

and the personal side, it's like, man, there is just so much that.

Mike Forrester:

You know, we can get in our heads and think I'm the only one going through it.

Mike Forrester:

And as you and I have talked about it, it's like, no, we're normal.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

Give yourself a break a little bit, right?

Joe Fier:

You're, you're unique, but your situation might, I think a lot of others

Joe Fier:

have been through things like that.

Joe Fier:

And also a shared experience that we have is through not random,

Joe Fier:

nothing's random, but you know, you used to be essentially a neighbor.

Joe Fier:

Well, you were a high school rival of mine, different

Joe Fier:

eras, but same, same schools.

Joe Fier:

And, uh, you know, you're out in Kansas now, I'm in San Diego, but

Joe Fier:

I'm like, man, how cool is that?

Joe Fier:

So that's a shared, shared thing that we also have.

Mike Forrester:

Yeah, the funny thing was we were still,

Mike Forrester:

you know, talking about that.

Mike Forrester:

I'm like, yeah, my wife actually went to your high school.

Mike Forrester:

It's like, that's right.

Mike Forrester:

All right, man.

Mike Forrester:

We might as well have been neighbor neighbors and played baseball together.

Mike Forrester:


Joe Fier:

So yeah, man, I love what you're doing here for, for folks listening.

Joe Fier:

So yeah, this is gonna be fun.

Mike Forrester:

I appreciate it, brother.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

You've been super supportive and I appreciate that.

Mike Forrester:

Thank you so much.

Joe Fier:

Got it.

Mike Forrester:

Um, well, let's jump in.

Mike Forrester:

What does life look like for you today on the professional side of life?

Joe Fier:

Professional side.

Joe Fier:

It's definitely expanding is what it feels like.

Joe Fier:

Um, I'm, I'm hitting my flow and you know, I've been doing this for over

Joe Fier:

15 years being an entrepreneur, a self starter I've had multiple businesses,

Joe Fier:

different partnerships along the way.

Joe Fier:

Yet now I feel like I've realized what my unique superpower is.

Joe Fier:

My, my unique abilities are in business translates to all factors,

Joe Fier:

but really for the business side, I'm seeing where, where, uh, the

Joe Fier:

scale of my superpowers can lie.

Joe Fier:

And really that's being a connector.

Joe Fier:

Like that's what it comes down to for me is, uh, connecting people,

Joe Fier:

connecting ideas, businesses, uh, strategies, strategies, like.

Joe Fier:

Yeah, it's connecting the dots and people have told me this

Joe Fier:

for years and now I'm realizing.

Joe Fier:

Oh, yeah, that's that's actually it It's not being in the weeds of everything.

Joe Fier:

It's It's not high level, but it's kind of like this middle

Joe Fier:

glue area is where I find myself.

Joe Fier:

So I'd say that's what's, that's, what's feeling, feeling good on the business run.

Mike Forrester:

And that's awesome because it's like, if you look back, there's been

Mike Forrester:

all these years of like startup and hustle and really grinding to get to this point.

Mike Forrester:

And it, I think it's just a testimony to like, once you are persistent and

Mike Forrester:

that momentum builds up, things change.

Mike Forrester:

It doesn't always stay in that startup state.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

And we'll get into some of that here in a little bit as well.

Mike Forrester:

So what does life look like on the personal side?

Joe Fier:

Great question.

Joe Fier:

I love that you bring both sides into this because I think of it all the time.

Joe Fier:

It's all, it all blends yet at the same time on the personal side, what

Joe Fier:

comes up is, so I have a four month old and I have a four year old.

Joe Fier:

So life is full in all, all regards.

Joe Fier:

Um, but when it comes to family, I feel tighter with my family than ever.

Joe Fier:

A lot more bonded.

Joe Fier:

Um, second child in different phase.

Joe Fier:

We'll talk about some of the ups and downs that actually have happened on both kids.

Joe Fier:

One of them you don't really know about, but very mirrored situations.

Joe Fier:

I'll just say that.

Joe Fier:

Um, so that's a little dog ear, but the, uh, the fact that it's brought me closer

Joe Fier:

and this is, It goes back to business.

Joe Fier:

I've settled myself into a like, what's my superpower where I can kind of

Joe Fier:

release mental, um, you know, the need to do a lot of other things in my mind.

Joe Fier:

So I could be more present at home because definitely family is

Joe Fier:

everything for me on the personal side.

Joe Fier:

Um, I'm feeling way more fulfilled with what I do, uh, with them.

Joe Fier:

But so I met, there's a lot of like time blocking and prioritization I didn't have

Joe Fier:

before that, that now I dedicate to them.

Joe Fier:

And, and myself, you know, there's, it's not just external to them, but,

Joe Fier:

um, my own being on the personal side, we'll get into some of those practices.

Joe Fier:

I'm sure.

Mike Forrester:

Well, let's let's, since we're talking about time blocking,

Mike Forrester:

let's jump into talking about, you know, some of the stuff that you've learned

Mike Forrester:

along the way, because at one point.

Mike Forrester:

Like part of your belief system was, Hey, I have to grind, grind, grind.

Mike Forrester:

I have to put in all this work in order to see the success, feel

Mike Forrester:

the success, and you know, be the business owner that I want to be.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

It was a lot of investment of time, which means then you're going to

Mike Forrester:

sacrifice in other areas, but you're now.

Mike Forrester:

Like in a opposite position.

Mike Forrester:

So what did it look like at that point?

Mike Forrester:

When, when I say, you know, Hey, Joe, you were at this, you know, really

Mike Forrester:

grinding kind of mindset to then how did you get to where you are now?

Joe Fier:

Yeah, so what I, you know, this transition from like the

Joe Fier:

hustle grind of like the day to day.

Joe Fier:

I probably made myself gray a little bit for doing that.

Joe Fier:

And, uh, I, I can't blame her, but I love her for it is my mom.

Joe Fier:

I think instilled some really heavy work ethic in me.

Joe Fier:

And there was a period of time I worked for a construction

Joe Fier:

company that she was a part of.

Joe Fier:

She was a, she moved her way up to be the VP of this pretty large.

Joe Fier:

Um, construction company here in San Diego, which there's no women in her role.

Joe Fier:

And her being the only woman that has basically done that in

Joe Fier:

all of like Southern California.

Joe Fier:

So it's like, you know, a lot of pressure that she put on herself and I,

Joe Fier:

there's a little history and I'm a big believer that, you know, I'm a, I'm a

Joe Fier:

result of conditioning and it's almost like the ceiling of what she knew for

Joe Fier:

herself and and saw as reality, you know, and I saw a cool quote is like our

Joe Fier:

parents and what they give us is like.

Joe Fier:

Ideally, it's their ceiling and it's our foundation or ground level that

Joe Fier:

we can continue to build from and I believe that's true and now experiencing

Joe Fier:

some wild stuff throughout life.

Joe Fier:

I think that is very true.

Joe Fier:

Um, so she gave me some great work ethic and at the same time.

Joe Fier:

It was, uh, it was me hustling and grinding, feeling like

Joe Fier:

I would have to buzz around.

Joe Fier:

People pleasing was part of it as well.

Joe Fier:

I know that quality, uh, was, and still is in me, which is great.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time, I think that also can go way the wrong direction.

Joe Fier:

And then.

Joe Fier:

You know, that's where you feel like you got to say yes to everything or

Joe Fier:

at least I Was kind of that guy and that led to a lot of grinding a lot of

Joe Fier:

hustle and not um, yeah Not taking a step back and prioritizing and again

Joe Fier:

going back to what are my strengths?

Joe Fier:

And what do I want out of this?

Joe Fier:

So i'm not perfect but at the same time now I I do slow myself down when

Joe Fier:

there's a decision or a new decision You know, uh, yeah, it's a fork in the

Joe Fier:

road in a sense where I know depending on the direction that I choose here,

Joe Fier:

it's going to open up different possibilities and I'm possibly closing

Joe Fier:

down others when I make that decision.

Joe Fier:

And, uh, and also it's like, what am I giving up by saying yes to this new thing?

Joe Fier:

You know, maybe it's time with the family or time with myself or expanding on a

Joe Fier:

project more than starting a new one, you know, it's like all of these different.

Joe Fier:

Things now pop into my mind and I'm a quick start by nature.

Joe Fier:

So I want to, you know, I mentioned right, right before we started the

Joe Fier:

KOLBE Assessment, K O L B E 55 bucks.

Joe Fier:

I think it's one of the best investments that you can make in

Joe Fier:

yourself and you get an understanding of who you are and how you like to

Joe Fier:

operate like quick start or not.

Joe Fier:

I'm on a nine quick start out of 10 so actually I think it's out of nine.

Joe Fier:

So, um, I'm up there and.

Joe Fier:

So I'm a visionary type and I know that, but I'm not one to get in the weeds.

Joe Fier:

Like that's where things will crumble, you know?

Joe Fier:

So it's like, that's why I'm supported by team.

Joe Fier:

Now I have team and I can, uh, really balance out my calendar by

Joe Fier:

time blocking, like you mentioned.

Joe Fier:

And it keeps me, keeps me in order.

Joe Fier:

You know, I'm not taking calls after three o'clock typically.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

At least they can't get on my schedule without me saying yes to it.

Joe Fier:

It's gotta be the right reason.

Joe Fier:

So buffers like that have no calls on Fridays.

Joe Fier:

Except for you, literally, you were the only one and it is a rare thing.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

And like I, I promise you it's, it's the case.

Joe Fier:

So that's what keeps me.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

Not hustling and grinding too hard.

Mike Forrester:

Well, I appreciate you making the exception.

Mike Forrester:

I mean, we've been working the schedule and finally landed on a time.

Mike Forrester:

So thank you for the flexibility there.

Joe Fier:

Of course.

Mike Forrester:

Um, so.

Mike Forrester:

When you're kind of on this quick start, you know, dude, I've, I

Mike Forrester:

have personally gone through this.

Mike Forrester:

I've met lots of other men where it's like, Hey, I can start.

Mike Forrester:

I can start.

Mike Forrester:

I can start.

Mike Forrester:

But you can either get into the point of, Hey, I don't want to let this die.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

So it's almost an identity issue, but you don't complete it.

Mike Forrester:

Um, And then from the sounds of it, you also have, have

Mike Forrester:

been able to transition, right?

Mike Forrester:

You're not married to the idea.

Mike Forrester:

It's like, Hey, this isn't working.

Mike Forrester:

Let me go ahead and try something else.

Mike Forrester:

Do you see that?

Mike Forrester:

Hey, yeah, I'm still able to be flexible and finish things, um, without being, you

Mike Forrester:

know, Committed right to that, that idea in order to, to be successful, I have

Mike Forrester:

to finish this and I can't let it die.

Mike Forrester:

And, you know, do you, do you see that you've got that kind of flexibility

Mike Forrester:

. Joe Fier: Yeah.

Mike Forrester:

And I do.

Mike Forrester:

I feel like that's over the last handful of years.

Mike Forrester:

I've molded that a lot more so than, um, I feel like I was pretty flexible

Mike Forrester:

in the beginning because I didn't know a lot, you know, and like the beginning

Mike Forrester:

of my career, especially online and, um, different scenarios, you know,

Mike Forrester:

I had business partners and stuff.

Mike Forrester:

So it's like, I, there's, there's different approaches

Mike Forrester:

to solving the problem.

Mike Forrester:

And, you know, I, I think there's a point to where I started learning a lot more.

Mike Forrester:

So then, You know, it's almost one and it's like, okay, why

Mike Forrester:

can't this just get done?

Mike Forrester:

But then when, you know, you're working with teams and stuff, you, you gotta

Mike Forrester:

be flexible or business partners.

Mike Forrester:

And, you know, I've very experienced in, in all those respects.

Mike Forrester:

I've always had teams of some sort, even from the very beginning,

Mike Forrester:

I knew I couldn't do it all.

Mike Forrester:

There was like a phase of me doing it myself for like maybe

Mike Forrester:

a good year, uh, to start up.

Mike Forrester:

But then I was like, Nope, need help.

Mike Forrester:

Like start outsourcing on Upwork or whatever it was called back then.

Mike Forrester:

And then, um, and then finally now I'm like, I can't do it without

Mike Forrester:

someone that's supporting me, at least on the finer details.

Mike Forrester:

And yeah, I mean now more than ever, it's, it's, uh, patience I think is

Mike Forrester:

key because my natural ability, like I remember back in school, I would be

Mike Forrester:

the one that didn't want to do team projects because I had to get it done

Mike Forrester:

because I think I was burned at an early time when like these group projects

Mike Forrester:

I'm thinking like elementary school and then like, you know, inherently.

Mike Forrester:

Like, it wasn't like I wanted to necessarily do them, but I'm.

Mike Forrester:

The people pleaser in me was like, it's got to get done.

Mike Forrester:

So I guess I'll just do it myself.

Mike Forrester:

So it's crazy, but like, I've done a lot of work on myself, like going

Mike Forrester:

back in the, and like, it's that whole, like, it's got to get done.

Mike Forrester:

So Joe's just going to do it.

Mike Forrester:

And, um, that's what I've had to break, you know, like that

Mike Forrester:

mentality going into things.

Mike Forrester:

There's like, wait, hold on.

Mike Forrester:

I can ask for help.

Mike Forrester:

I can get a team around me.

Mike Forrester:

To, to shore up the things that maybe I'm not great at, or I'm like burning

Mike Forrester:

out on, you know, staying up too late, grinding it out where I should just

Mike Forrester:

like, Hey, I'll pay someone this, but you know, what's my hourly rate or

Mike Forrester:

whatever my worth is for this thing and get super intentional on, you know,

Mike Forrester:

maybe there's a different approach.

Mike Forrester:

That's, that's always going through my mind now.

Mike Forrester:

Do you feel like that mindset was what led to burnout

Mike Forrester:

as like you were going through the process and building the business?

Joe Fier:

Yes, it was that, um, you know, with partnerships or any team,

Joe Fier:

you know, there's a dynamic there too.

Joe Fier:

So it's for the longest time, you know, I had my, my buddy and, and, um, old

Joe Fier:

business partner, Matt Wolf, and, you know, you followed along for a long time.

Joe Fier:

I just hung out with him the other day.

Joe Fier:

We're still great buds.

Joe Fier:

And, and at the same time, you know, it's kind of like a marriage.

Joe Fier:

I mean, you're, when you're in a business partnership.

Joe Fier:

You gotta, you gotta support each other.

Mike Forrester:

As you've talked about, like, Hey, I changed

Mike Forrester:

my mindset from just hustling.

Mike Forrester:

And you've built in these boundaries, like in your schedule, in your time, like

Mike Forrester:

How did you make that transformation?

Mike Forrester:

Because there's a lot of guys it's like can't imagine what they

Mike Forrester:

would do with their life outside of like being focused on work.

Mike Forrester:

How did you make that transition and switch your focus?

Joe Fier:

Yeah, it's, it's a solid question.

Joe Fier:

And it's not to say that, you know, I have a ton of free time because I still,

Joe Fier:

I enjoy the creativeness of business.

Joe Fier:

And what I've found is where, well, even the word business, I, I try to reframe

Joe Fier:

that in my mind, and not a lot of people see it this way, but it's busyness.

Joe Fier:

If you look at the word, it's busyness.

Joe Fier:

Do you really want to be busy?

Joe Fier:

I literally remind myself all the time, and that's where I'm selective

Joe Fier:

with calls, because that's the biggest thing that will take a lot of my time

Joe Fier:

are calls and switching costs, you know, switching from thing to thing.

Joe Fier:

And that's why I deliberately put, you know, after 3 p.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

no calls.

Joe Fier:

So I get some quiet time.

Joe Fier:

Either to work deeper on something or it is deliberate time with

Joe Fier:

the family during a time.

Joe Fier:

I know, you know, um, and again, I have two small kids.

Joe Fier:

So it's like, I know this is the time to leave a really good impression on him.

Joe Fier:

So, uh, I spend that time.

Joe Fier:

That's that's an investment that I know I can't get back later.

Joe Fier:

So, um, That's one of the reasons how I can keep my mind full because

Joe Fier:

like I'm when I'm with them.

Joe Fier:

I'm with them because I know if I'm like trying to solve business

Joe Fier:

problems, which can happen.

Joe Fier:

Um, you know, in the moment when I'm hanging out my

Joe Fier:

kids, that's let's be honest.

Joe Fier:

It's pretty hard to focus on business if I have a toddler or a, uh, you

Joe Fier:

know, a pretty newborn in front of me.

Joe Fier:

So it kind of supports me in that.

Joe Fier:

Uh, but back to like, you know, Friday is off.

Joe Fier:

It's not like I'm off working, but I definitely have more time to

Joe Fier:

think to, um, to not switch costs.

Joe Fier:

It's to focus a little deeper.

Joe Fier:

I kind of do that on Mondays a little bit as well.

Joe Fier:

Um, but yeah, when it goes to like, I like to think and I like to kind of

Joe Fier:

unload my mind and I have tools to do that so I'm not spinning around in my

Joe Fier:

mind, you know, with what about this?

Joe Fier:

What about that?

Joe Fier:

Or what do I got to do next?

Joe Fier:

Uh, tomorrow or whatever it might be.

Joe Fier:

So I try to unload my mind as much as possible and I have some apps for that.

Joe Fier:

You know, either write it down or use an app like the Oasis.

Joe Fier:

It's a pretty cool app.

Joe Fier:

It's like five bucks a month, but I just literally ramble into my phone

Joe Fier:

and it will capture my crazy thoughts and I could put them into a to do list

Joe Fier:

or maybe it's an email I want to write to someone and at least it's out of my

Joe Fier:

mind and I can move on with my time.

Joe Fier:

So that's a big one is quieting the chatter up top here, you

Joe Fier:

know, um, that's a good one.

Joe Fier:

And then, uh, you know, we mentioned it prior to, but breath work,

Joe Fier:

I love to do, it could be five minutes or it could be an hour long.

Joe Fier:

Typically it's something shorter end, but you know, like when I'm done working or

Joe Fier:

before work or when I'm feeling stressed, when I actually realize it in the moment,

Joe Fier:

I'll do like five to 10 minutes of like.

Joe Fier:

Wim Hoff style, something that gets my mind to kind of refocus,

Joe Fier:

you know, and that's kind of like deep inhales, kind of like this

Joe Fier:

whole, there's like three patterns.

Joe Fier:

You can look it up on YouTube if you're not familiar, but the whole thing is, it's

Joe Fier:

just heightening the energy in your body.

Joe Fier:

It usually clears out any, any kind of cobwebs I have might

Joe Fier:

have in my mind or stuckness.

Joe Fier:

I know it's hard to describe, but then when I do it, I'm like,

Joe Fier:

Man, I should do this more often.

Joe Fier:

And then it's just like, I'm, I'm kind of like a fresh person, you know?

Joe Fier:

Um, yeah, those are a couple of the ways I, I handle that situation there.

Mike Forrester:

That's cool.

Mike Forrester:

I like that you've built in the transition and you're also in the

Mike Forrester:

process giving yourself grace, man.

Mike Forrester:

You're not going, dude, I know this and then berating yourself.

Mike Forrester:

It's like, I know to do this, you know, okay, let me work on this.

Mike Forrester:

Let me look for the area of improvement.

Joe Fier:


Mike Forrester:

So, you know, being mindful and self aware,

Mike Forrester:

man, I love that you've made that transition and brought that about.

Mike Forrester:

Um, I do want to jump back.

Mike Forrester:

Uh, you had talked about like how we can, um, get patterning

Mike Forrester:

or like, you know, are we're impressionable from our parents, right?

Mike Forrester:

Um, as far as, you know, Your hustle perspective had been, what do you see

Mike Forrester:

that were things that were impressed upon you, um, as a kid, as a young

Mike Forrester:

adult from both of your parents that then you may have reassessed as you,

Mike Forrester:

you know, you're a husband and, and going along and becoming a father that

Mike Forrester:

didn't serve you well at that time.

Joe Fier:

Yeah, there was so the hustle, you know, in terms of the work ethic, I

Joe Fier:

think is a great thing that was instilled.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time, I think, you know, I brought up the people pleasing

Joe Fier:

and I don't know where that came up.

Joe Fier:

But I know even in like the earliest child, like school that was,

Joe Fier:

Something, you know, it's like, Oh, the teachers all loved me.

Joe Fier:

And it's probably, it wasn't like I was the loudest or like answering

Joe Fier:

all the questions, but I was just like, I think I just showed up.

Joe Fier:

I was always nice, blah, blah, which is great, great qualities.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time, um, that was probably instilled.

Joe Fier:

I mean, you know, my parents, they divorced when I was in middle school.

Joe Fier:

So that was a time where, you know, I was still trying to figure out who

Joe Fier:

I am socially, where I fit in and.

Joe Fier:

I think that that probably triggered in leading up to that, you know,

Joe Fier:

there was parents loved each other.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time, there was this like, um, there was sometimes anger.

Joe Fier:

There was, uh, you know, like, not totally connected.

Joe Fier:

So I don't know if that rubbed off on me to be like, all right,

Joe Fier:

I got to prove myself somehow.

Joe Fier:

Or there's all these little things that I think about that, you know,

Joe Fier:

that shaped up to be like, okay, well, how did I shape up this way?

Joe Fier:

And like, yeah.

Joe Fier:

Um, I don't know.

Joe Fier:

And who knows the answers?

Joe Fier:

But the point is, like, I realized, uh, yeah, they did the best they could.

Joe Fier:

And like every parent, you know, we're all in our own place doing our best.

Joe Fier:

And I think we all hit that ceiling, you know, and we're not aware of what it is.

Joe Fier:

And the fact that, like, I try to recognize the patterns.

Joe Fier:

Um, you know, I learned a lot from my dad and I'm sure we'll talk about his,

Joe Fier:

you know, his, uh, untimely passing.

Joe Fier:

And, uh, I learned a lot after that point on, like there's different

Joe Fier:

points and phases where I'm like, Ooh, wow, that's where that came from.

Joe Fier:

Or, ooh, you know, that's something to notice and and maybe try to do a

Joe Fier:

little differently or teach my daughters in a way that might be slightly

Joe Fier:

modified from what I was taught.

Joe Fier:

Not saying anything was bad at all, but just almost like these adjustments where

Joe Fier:

I'm like, okay, I could see how that could shape up into something that's a

Joe Fier:

little little something that I don't want popping up in their lives, you know so

Mike Forrester:

Yeah, I think that's the amazing power that we

Mike Forrester:

as parents have right is to Look at who we are what we've experienced

Mike Forrester:

and then how do we want that to to?

Mike Forrester:

To bring that to bear on our children and you know, because you know, that's part

Mike Forrester:

of the legacy We're gonna leave man, and

Joe Fier:

that's it

Mike Forrester:

you you wanna Be as loving as you can with your children.

Mike Forrester:

Um, none of us want to impart anything negative, but we're human.

Mike Forrester:

It's going to happen, but it's how do I leave as much positive and

Mike Forrester:

healthy and loving as I can and you making that change and being me.

Mike Forrester:

You know, intentional on your boundaries and your focus,

Mike Forrester:

dude, that's, that's amazing.

Mike Forrester:

That's a large shift.

Mike Forrester:

Um, yeah, absolutely.

Mike Forrester:

That's a large shift in the right direction, man.

Mike Forrester:


Joe Fier:

I think so too, man.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

And I'm at home too.

Joe Fier:

And, uh, just to round this out, it's so interesting.

Joe Fier:

My wife was super intentional.

Joe Fier:

Like when she was young, she wrote out all of these things

Joe Fier:

that she wanted in a partner.

Joe Fier:

And I think she shared with her mom and her mom was like, that's never going to

Joe Fier:

happen because it was things like, and not like her mom is very supportive still is,

Joe Fier:

but it was like, okay, I want a husband.

Joe Fier:

That's at home with me all the time.

Joe Fier:

I don't want to have to work too much.

Joe Fier:

You know, and she's talking about herself because I want to support the kids,

Joe Fier:

but I want my husband there as well.

Joe Fier:

And we're both going to make a bunch of money.

Joe Fier:

We're going to have a great life.

Joe Fier:

We're going to have a A family that feels tight.

Joe Fier:

We're hanging out all day long.

Joe Fier:

And she's like, how is that even possible?

Joe Fier:

You know, and this is pre internet days, pre all of this other stuff, but.

Joe Fier:

Yeah, we look around.

Joe Fier:

I'm like, no, I've been hanging out with them all morning.

Joe Fier:

You're the first time, you know, halfway through the day that I walked

Joe Fier:

into my office to actually get on a call, was I doing work before?

Joe Fier:

Yeah, I did some stuff on my laptop hanging around, but I was hanging out

Joe Fier:

with them, enjoying a thunderstorm and hail storm in San Diego and all

Joe Fier:

enjoying recording videos, being silly, throwing snow hail balls at each other.

Joe Fier:

It's like, like that's.

Joe Fier:

We are living the life and then all of us have the ability to do that.

Joe Fier:

And it's just so interesting how she was so intentional with that.

Joe Fier:

And I could see, I mean, that's, it's, where do you want to go?

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

It's like have the North star, what do you want?

Joe Fier:

And then kind of like when you start to see it, you can believe it.

Joe Fier:

And I, and I hope this kind of gives that a little bit too.

Joe Fier:

It's not like you need to model what I'm doing, but they're just

Joe Fier:

believe that there's more in whatever ceiling that we all have.

Mike Forrester:

Yeah, it, there is.

Mike Forrester:

I think always more, right?

Mike Forrester:

You and I have both talked about this is there's always more, but how

Mike Forrester:

do we determine what it is we want?

Mike Forrester:

Because so many of us, and I'm guilty of this as well, I got

Mike Forrester:

focused on what don't I want?

Mike Forrester:

And I wasn't clear on what I do want, where, when I look at you,

Mike Forrester:

like, you know, you've talked about, Hey, we're going to Hawaii.

Mike Forrester:

I'm putting the phone away because I don't want to be connected.

Mike Forrester:

And I do want to be.

Mike Forrester:

You know, present with my family and create these memories.

Mike Forrester:

I mean, how long did it take you to go from like that grind to where you are?

Mike Forrester:

Just, you know, recently you got back from Hawaii, right?

Mike Forrester:

With the family.

Mike Forrester:

Um, how long did it take?

Mike Forrester:

Take to make that transition in your life because I mean, it's not overnight

Mike Forrester:

that that you've got this to come about.

Joe Fier:

It helped with being intentional with my timing.

Joe Fier:

And this is still a work in progress.

Joe Fier:

And I got to give my wife a ton of credit because when it comes to me

Joe Fier:

being a quick start, one that wants to

Joe Fier:

I want to talk with more people.

Joe Fier:

I'm very social.

Joe Fier:

And, um, and I see there's a lot of ways to solve a problem.

Joe Fier:

And like, oh, I'm curious enough where I'm like, I bet I can help that.

Joe Fier:

I can fix that.

Joe Fier:

I can, you know, do that.

Joe Fier:

Whereas she's my stabilizer.

Joe Fier:

Like, she's the one that's like, okay, well.

Joe Fier:

Let's get intentional throughout the week and try to reduce switching costs.

Joe Fier:

So maybe like, you know, put certain like podcasting, for instance, I podcast on

Joe Fier:

just Thursdays every other week, but then every other week from that point on is

Joe Fier:

a Thursday where I guest on other shows.

Joe Fier:

Or maybe I'll have some other calls, but I try to kind of silo things in

Joe Fier:

their own little groupings there.

Joe Fier:

So I'm not thinking about podcasting all week long.

Joe Fier:

I mean, that's, that's probably the best way is like I can silo it out and I

Joe Fier:

can get ahead of things, you know, and.

Joe Fier:

Allow space so when I know I'm going to Hawaii or in what next

Joe Fier:

month going to Mexico for a week I'll still have work there.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time I'm gonna make sure that calendars blocked off.

Joe Fier:

No one's getting on my calendar Without me knowing otherwise.

Joe Fier:

And yeah, in my mind, I just know I can put down the cell phone

Joe Fier:

that I'm always connected with.

Joe Fier:

Um, you know, my, my notifications aren't going to blow up everywhere.

Joe Fier:

And my, you know, my Apple watch or all these things, I'm going

Joe Fier:

to be able to walk away, silent those, um, my team helps as well.

Joe Fier:

So I'm not going to lie.

Joe Fier:

It's not all just me, you know, it's, but I think being very intentional

Joe Fier:

is something I didn't do before.

Joe Fier:

Having partnerships, I mean, help, but sometimes don't help because

Joe Fier:

sometimes you feel like, okay, well, I'm leaving on a vacation, but I

Joe Fier:

feel a little guilt that they're back working in like handling stuff.

Joe Fier:

So that came up back in the day when working with Matt or even other people.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

And again, that's a conversation, that's just expectations as

Joe Fier:

well, and pre planning, so.

Joe Fier:

All that stuff helped me, you know, and, and again, I'm not

Joe Fier:

typically a super long pre planner.

Joe Fier:

My wife is, so got to give her a lot of credit to support me.

Joe Fier:

She's like my COO, I would say.

Joe Fier:

She's a partner in my company, so she's a very silent partner,

Joe Fier:

which is how she likes it.

Mike Forrester:

She's like, you go be the face.

Mike Forrester:

I will keep things organized.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

But that's my whole team too.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

It's not just her.

Joe Fier:

It's yeah.

Mike Forrester:

That's helpful is like knowing your strengths, right?

Mike Forrester:

You get to work to your strength and she supports you through her strengths.

Mike Forrester:

And it's like you guys are both supporting each other in raising your family.

Mike Forrester:

Um, so it's like the cohesiveness in, in both areas, both personal and

Mike Forrester:

professional and I'm feeding each other.

Mike Forrester:

Well, you had alluded to this earlier back in 2019 your father did have an untimely.

Mike Forrester:

passing and it was like two weeks before your first daughter, who's now four years

Mike Forrester:

old, uh, before she was born, can you kind of shed some light on what happened?

Mike Forrester:

And then, um, you know, like the insights that you gained from that,

Mike Forrester:

because those insights then fed into how you were living your life or, or the

Mike Forrester:

changes you made in living your life.

Joe Fier:

Yeah, Mike, you brought up a point in my life that, um, it was

Joe Fier:

very unexpected, but at the same time it, you know, with my, um, two weeks

Joe Fier:

from the time my, my daughter was born.

Joe Fier:

So my first daughter, you know, leading up to that point, it was nearly a decade

Joe Fier:

of trying to have her in the first place.

Joe Fier:

We did a whole, we had a whole infertility struggles.

Joe Fier:

You know, IVF paid a bunch of money, stress the whole nine, not fun, but so,

Joe Fier:

but we were having a great time, you know, almost, almost the time that we're

Joe Fier:

going to meet her and it was about two weeks, like two and a half weeks, got

Joe Fier:

this knock at the front door at six a.m.

Joe Fier:

Like, that's not normal.

Joe Fier:

And I peeked out there and it was a, it was a gentleman, you

Joe Fier:

know, just business attire.

Joe Fier:

I'm like, this is kind of strange.

Joe Fier:

And, um, Ended up kind of, I was like, who the hell can this be?

Joe Fier:

And then finally I open it up after a second knock.

Joe Fier:

I'm like, okay, that went a little bit more forceful.

Joe Fier:

I'm like, well, shoot, open the door.

Joe Fier:

Ended up being a deputy.

Joe Fier:

So Sheriff here in San Diego coming with some news and the news was that my

Joe Fier:

father passed away the evening before and, um, he sat me down, sat my wife down

Joe Fier:

pregnant wife, you know, and woke her up and, uh, essentially was told your dad

Joe Fier:

committed suicide last night at 6 p.m.

Joe Fier:

And, um, not a lot of details, but just, I was the very first one to know.

Joe Fier:

Luckily they were able to send that news somehow, but yeah, that rocked me

Joe Fier:

because that was completely unexpected.

Joe Fier:

Um, no indication prior to, but you know, as you, as you said,

Joe Fier:

there were patterns, right?

Joe Fier:

Like I, I started understanding not immediately, of course I was in shock,

Joe Fier:

but also in wondering like how, why, you know, it's all those things and

Joe Fier:

losing A parent in general, you know, like that was the biggest fear of my

Joe Fier:

life, you know, is, is losing my dad or my mom and my mom, both of them.

Joe Fier:

And, um, this one happened out of the blue and, uh, way too early.

Joe Fier:

So yeah, that was two weeks, you know, and there's this, that immediately

Joe Fier:

took my head out of the game.

Joe Fier:

And these are one of the points where I'm happy.

Joe Fier:

I had a business partner, Matt and I, and I think we were supposed to record

Joe Fier:

a bunch of podcasts that day too.

Joe Fier:

So he's like, dude, I got it.

Joe Fier:

I got you.

Joe Fier:

Be with your family.

Joe Fier:

Do what you got to do.

Joe Fier:

So I appreciate him tremendously for, for handling that.

Joe Fier:

And, um, on, on that side, cause I literally, my brain was not in it for

Joe Fier:

probably a good, another two weeks.

Joe Fier:

And then, and then, and then I had the birth of my daughter,

Joe Fier:

um, which was so wild.

Joe Fier:

I mean, it's surreal where this like the lowest low, and then.

Joe Fier:

The highest high and I don't even know what to call it, but, um, I had tears

Joe Fier:

in my eyes when I saw her for the first time and I don't cry much, but just

Joe Fier:

like, bam, turned on, you know, and did that with my second daughter as well.

Joe Fier:

Well, this is so crazy how that happens.

Joe Fier:

I remember in the moment I was just like, wow, bodies are weird, but you

Joe Fier:

know, it's just like, like stone cold, not saying I'm still in cold, but

Joe Fier:

you know, it's just like emotions.

Joe Fier:

And, um, Yeah, so just that feeling of that big low, big up and I'll say,

Joe Fier:

you know, Mike, like the last, like that, I would say it's a good two years

Joe Fier:

of time where it was me going like, holy moly, something like my life just

Joe Fier:

got turned around in so many ways.

Joe Fier:

And it had me analyzing.

Joe Fier:

What I learned about my dad and how ultimately how I see a lot of the

Joe Fier:

patterns that he had and I also have them embodied in me, you know, they

Joe Fier:

were conditioned in early, early life.

Joe Fier:

And now, you know, I've seen some markers of like, okay, like looking back and this

Joe Fier:

was a little bit of time after he passed is like, I could see some of the patterns.

Joe Fier:

He You know, he used to be a really avid runner and get out

Joe Fier:

and move his body, get outside.

Joe Fier:

And he stopped doing that.

Joe Fier:

Um, he used to play music, guitar and sing and hang out with friends and, and,

Joe Fier:

you know, perform and stuff like that.

Joe Fier:

He stopped doing that.

Joe Fier:

Uh, he moved to a different location and was with a girlfriend.

Joe Fier:

Don't think the girlfriend was that great.

Joe Fier:

So that was a different change, you know, and kind of took him away from him.

Joe Fier:

I think like is really what ultimately happened.

Joe Fier:

Um, communication wasn't happening as much and as men, um, well, let's just

Joe Fier:

be honest, suicide in general right now, not just in men, but just in general

Joe Fier:

is up, uh, when it comes to driven men.

Joe Fier:

And this is where, like on my podcast with entrepreneurs, I

Joe Fier:

think that's a serious issue.

Joe Fier:

And, and, you know, COVID didn't help at all.

Joe Fier:

And, you know, he passed right before COVID, but shoot, I mean, it would have

Joe Fier:

been probably even worse during COVID for him, to be very honest, you know, and,

Joe Fier:

um, and I feel for a lot of men and women, that's not, and honestly, the younger

Joe Fier:

generation, too, there's a lot of people who got stressed out during that time and,

Joe Fier:

and, you know, Not to jump or get out.

Joe Fier:

I don't think it's off topic, but like with AI and all of these changes in

Joe Fier:

the world that are happening so fast.

Joe Fier:

I mean, people's livelihoods are changing right now more than they

Joe Fier:

probably realize or like their jobs are changing the ways that economy.

Joe Fier:

There's all these factors that are happening so quick that

Joe Fier:

most of us can't keep up with.

Joe Fier:

And I just think of like, how does that, how does someone deal with that

Joe Fier:

if they don't have the support or they're not communicating, you know,

Joe Fier:

and I, I don't, I hope the trend doesn't increase, but honestly, it might, you

Joe Fier:

know, for a little bit, um, unless and that's why I urge anyone listening

Joe Fier:

here is like, you know, know that.

Joe Fier:

You are not alone and know that there's always people to talk with.

Joe Fier:

And I'll just, I'll just give the shout out right now here.

Joe Fier:

Mike is like, if you want to reach out to me, obviously you could follow the podcast

Joe Fier:

and feel like you have a community.

Joe Fier:

You have this with Mike too, but hit me up.

Joe Fier:

Like my email is Joe@hustleandflowchartcom.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

That goes straight to me.

Joe Fier:

My team might help kind of, uh, let you know if I'm busy or not, but like, I'll

Joe Fier:

see it, you know, it'll be starred if it's coming from someone who's listened,

Joe Fier:

because like, if you relate to any of this, just know that, you know, you're,

Joe Fier:

you're not, not the same, uh, not alone.

Joe Fier:

So, yeah, I don't know.

Joe Fier:

I, I, I, The two years, there were a lot of shifts after I lost my dad, gained

Joe Fier:

a child, um, ended up actually ending a long term business relationship with Matt.

Joe Fier:

And, um, so it had me like, there were a lot of these things that I was like, whew!

Joe Fier:

And, you know, I noticed.

Joe Fier:

My anger popped up in some of this.

Joe Fier:

My anxiety level, my, there were like feelings of panic attack in my chest,

Joe Fier:

like after certain days of work, because I felt like I wasn't going down the

Joe Fier:

right path and these were all signs.

Joe Fier:

I'm like, no, no, that's not me.

Joe Fier:

Like, that's not normal Joe, right there.

Joe Fier:

Something needs to change, and the change ain't go unalive myself,

Joe Fier:

because that's how some people go.

Joe Fier:

Or, um, run away from my family, or not talk.

Joe Fier:

Or, you know, all these things.

Joe Fier:

Those are They're all patterns are all things like the key is

Joe Fier:

to like, no, like lean into more of who you are, like slow down.

Joe Fier:

What's that thing that makes you happy?

Joe Fier:

Is it go outside, take a walk?

Joe Fier:

Is it play guitar?

Joe Fier:

Is it sing whatever, like go run, um, find those things.

Joe Fier:

I think those habits that make you, you are like more life

Joe Fier:

changing than you ever believe.

Joe Fier:

And they could be the most simple things.

Joe Fier:

Get enough sleep too.

Joe Fier:

That probably is a, is a good starter because most of us don't get that either.

Mike Forrester:

Man, I think that that is such a prime example, Joe, because we

Mike Forrester:

can postpone our personal growth, right?

Mike Forrester:

Or making changes, improving our self awareness, any number of things that it's

Mike Forrester:

like a one day when things calm down hint.

Mike Forrester:

They don't,

Joe Fier:

what's one day.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

It's when is one day it doesn't occur because it's like, I look at what's

Mike Forrester:

gone on for you for the last five years.

Mike Forrester:

And it's like, for me on the last five years, you know, it's

Mike Forrester:

been like, um, I've had two.

Mike Forrester:

Grandchildren born.

Mike Forrester:

I've had my father in law pass away.

Mike Forrester:

My dad passed away.

Mike Forrester:

Um, we've now got my mother in law that's, you know, in assisted living

Mike Forrester:

and, and we're primary kind of involvement, you know, with her making

Mike Forrester:

sure she's okay and everything like that.

Mike Forrester:

I mean, she's in assisted living, but that's not hands off, you know, and

Mike Forrester:

it's like, If, if either you or I were to postpone, Hey, I'll work on myself

Mike Forrester:

when things calm down, it doesn't come.

Mike Forrester:

So you, you've created like, Hey, I'm involved with a men's

Mike Forrester:

group, specific group of men.

Mike Forrester:

You check in regularly, accountability, and this, this

Mike Forrester:

kind of creates that insulation.

Mike Forrester:

You know, like where you talked about the life changes your dad went

Mike Forrester:

through that weren't who he was.

Mike Forrester:

You've kind of created almost like a.

Mike Forrester:

A monitoring system, like an alert system.

Mike Forrester:

Uh, I mean, is, is that kind of what you would see as well,

Mike Forrester:

or is it different for you?

Joe Fier:

That's a good way to put it.

Joe Fier:

It's an alert system because there we have a, there's a men's group, you know,

Joe Fier:

smaller group of men, just about five of us, but there is a larger group.

Joe Fier:

You know, there's kind of a larger community as well that, um, but the

Joe Fier:

small group we check in very often, um, used to be every single day.

Joe Fier:

Now it's, it's more on the weekly basis because we're rearranging some of the

Joe Fier:

things, but we check in on our patterns, how we're doing, um, habits, You know,

Joe Fier:

this is a group where we actually track pretty dang closely our daily habits.

Joe Fier:

You know, like there's checklists, there's typically like 10

Joe Fier:

things we want to stay true to.

Joe Fier:

And they're all personal things.

Joe Fier:

And like I mentioned, sleep, working out, um, getting enough water, even hydration.

Joe Fier:

It's like a lot of simple stuff.

Joe Fier:

But again, it's like you're, you tick the boxes, you're, you're starting to

Joe Fier:

compound in the right direction, you know, of, of what you actually want.

Joe Fier:

So the men's group has been great, man.

Joe Fier:

Um, I have them on the, on my podcast sometimes we talk about it and the

Joe Fier:

ultimate thing is being more conscious and aware of what we're doing because

Joe Fier:

it's the choices we're making now, you know, like I was kind of mentioning, they

Joe Fier:

steer the direction that we want to go.

Joe Fier:

So as long as you have generally a North star or a vision of

Joe Fier:

what you want to accomplish.

Joe Fier:

If you surround yourself with people that can actually, like, understand

Joe Fier:

and, you know, not only, you know, keep a lookout for if you're going off

Joe Fier:

course, but at least they can support you, give you feedback if, uh, maybe

Joe Fier:

you're saying something that's not aligned with what you say you want.

Joe Fier:

And I think that's the biggest thing is like, you got to know what you want.

Joe Fier:

Or else, like, what are you doing all this for?

Joe Fier:

Yeah, you might as well, I don't know, like, wrap it up and go do

Joe Fier:

something else, unless you really figure out what you got going on.

Joe Fier:

Because, yeah, you got to be the leader of your life, but know

Joe Fier:

that there's a team to support.

Joe Fier:

That's what the men's group's great for.

Joe Fier:

And, um, I think that's what you do so well too, is you're supporting,

Joe Fier:

you know, uh, men in this kind of way.

Joe Fier:

And, you know, there's groups, there's, it could be one on one, there's a

Joe Fier:

lot of formats, but the key is to communicate and to have people you

Joe Fier:

trust around you to support your vision.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

Not, not lone wolfing it in isolation because that's like, if we look at

Mike Forrester:

the suicide, you know, statistics that you talked about earlier,

Mike Forrester:

and that's a big thing withdraw.

Mike Forrester:

And then it's like, there's nobody around and you just feel like.

Mike Forrester:

Detached unwanted.

Mike Forrester:

Your worth goes, you know, out the window and dude, what you're

Mike Forrester:

doing keeps you in that spot.

Mike Forrester:

Um, so as you've gotten to this place, what is it that you're doing

Mike Forrester:

to get yourself to the next place?

Mike Forrester:

Like you've mentioned.

Mike Forrester:

10 things like that.

Mike Forrester:

You're doing with the men, but I'm assuming you've got things that

Mike Forrester:

you're like, Hey, these are my goals.

Mike Forrester:

Um, and then you're taking daily actions.

Mike Forrester:

Um, maybe habits to get to that point.

Mike Forrester:

Like, what have you begun incorporating to get there?

Joe Fier:

Yeah, for me, it's, it's really, it's, it's getting clear on,

Joe Fier:

It's kind of shaving off a lot of the things that just aren't serving.

Joe Fier:

It's kind of a iterative process.

Joe Fier:

I'm always going through, I mean, it's an endless journey to know oneself,

Joe Fier:

you know, it's like, you know, I have all the philosophers, like, you know,

Joe Fier:

I've said this kind of stuff and it's like, man, I honestly, I love it because

Joe Fier:

I'm like, oh man, I didn't think about that, you know, and maybe it's a way I.

Joe Fier:

To ask myself a question or what I said earlier.

Joe Fier:

It's like when I say yes to something, what is it that I'm giving up?

Joe Fier:

Like, what's the trade off here?

Joe Fier:

And there's a lot of that, I would say.

Joe Fier:

And because I'm at a point where I'm surrounding myself with, with a lot

Joe Fier:

of old friends, which is kind of cool.

Joe Fier:

But with that, like, these are friends I've, I've I've worked parallel with,

Joe Fier:

but now I'm starting to come together with certain friends who have, you

Joe Fier:

know, some have great networks, some have great ideas, and we're all kind

Joe Fier:

of like collaborating and co creating.

Joe Fier:

And I think that's, what's the coolest piece is I'm doing

Joe Fier:

that in personal life too.

Joe Fier:

Like there's other friends and like one of them, I'm sometimes forget this,

Joe Fier:

but I'm the VP of his company is, is a old friend of mine from a band days.

Joe Fier:

I have a guitar over here.

Joe Fier:

And he runs a very successful company in, uh, Riverside County, in San Diego.

Joe Fier:

Uh, basically, uh, supporting kids with autism, people on the spectrum

Joe Fier:

in home and giving them care, and he has hundreds of, People, you

Joe Fier:

know, doing this every single day.

Joe Fier:

Um, I'm technically his VP, I don't think I've ever actually said that publicly,

Joe Fier:

but it's more of like advising, hanging out, but we're discussing problems

Joe Fier:

and way to arrange what we're doing.

Joe Fier:

But at the same time, I find it as fun because I'm hanging out with one of my

Joe Fier:

best friends and we have a lot in common.

Joe Fier:

Like, ultimately, that's what it is.

Joe Fier:

We're bouncing ideas off of, he doesn't want to live in a bubble.

Joe Fier:

That was why he chose me.

Joe Fier:

Uh, similar.

Joe Fier:

It's like, we get to talk about the deep and dark things that

Joe Fier:

are stressing him out as well.

Joe Fier:

So what's really cool is, you know, when I'm working with, uh, it's

Joe Fier:

like I co create more, you know, in this example, I'm telling about

Joe Fier:

my, my buddy who has this company, that I'm a VP with, it's like.

Joe Fier:

Well, we're actually traveling to Mexico together as well.

Joe Fier:

Like I mentioned Mexico earlier.

Joe Fier:

It's like, well, going with him and his wife and his kid

Joe Fier:

and, and my family as well.

Joe Fier:

You know, it's, it's technically it's for the business, but it's also, you

Joe Fier:

know, it's also for ourselves and, you know, these little bits of co creating

Joe Fier:

in terms of my life, that's honestly what I would love to do in general.

Joe Fier:

It's co create with people that I enjoy who have expansive visions, people

Joe Fier:

who are doing great things for people.

Joe Fier:

Like in his case, helping a whole bunch of people that are underserved and don't have

Joe Fier:

funding and all that, you know, uh, people on the spectrum, but at the same time,

Joe Fier:

it's like, and then what I'm doing with businesses or in the podcast, you know,

Joe Fier:

in my show and similar to what you're doing, I see that there's an impact.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

That's what lights me up is co creation, impact, and, and family, honestly, and

Joe Fier:

it's making sure everything's grounded and going the right direction that

Joe Fier:

we're always busting through those ceilings that we may or may not be

Joe Fier:

aware of, but yeah, it's, it's just always upward, you know, and I don't

Joe Fier:

know my brain, it's infinitely curious.

Joe Fier:

So it's never going to stop.

Joe Fier:

So I'm going to stop.

Joe Fier:

I don't think it should.

Mike Forrester:

Should it really stop though?

Mike Forrester:

Because that curiosity feeds everything.

Mike Forrester:

I mean, that's part of that.

Mike Forrester:

That joy, right?

Mike Forrester:

It, it, it feeds into all areas of your life.

Joe Fier:

That's right.

Joe Fier:

Well, dude,

Mike Forrester:

Joe, thank you so much for joining me today to, to share about

Mike Forrester:

the fact of, Hey, your self awareness and watching what we're doing and

Mike Forrester:

surrounding ourself with relationships and being intentional, you know, to

Mike Forrester:

where we're spending our time and having boundaries to protect, you know, both

Mike Forrester:

our professional and our personal lives.

Mike Forrester:

Dude, I really appreciate all you've shared and brought to the

Mike Forrester:

table because it's something that.

Mike Forrester:

You know, we as men need to look at and be aware of and practice.

Mike Forrester:

But dude, I think most importantly on that is the grace that

Mike Forrester:

you've shown to yourself, Joe.

Mike Forrester:

You're not being hypercritical or demeaning belittling of yourself.

Mike Forrester:

You're continuing to grow and giving yourself that room.

Mike Forrester:

So I really appreciate it, brother.

Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

Thanks for seeing me that way,

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:


Mike Forrester:


Mike Forrester:

Um, cause that's the way you're presenting yourself, you know, that's how

Joe Fier:

I want to be seen too.

Joe Fier:

So it's, it's nice to hear the validation, you know, so

Mike Forrester:

absolutely, man, my pleasure.

Mike Forrester:

Well, outside of this podcast, how can men get in touch with you, Joe?

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

Thank you for, for that setup.

Joe Fier:

And, and, and genuinely, you know, I mentioned earlier with the

Joe Fier:

email, reach out to me personally, joe at hustle and flow chart.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

If you want to bounce any ideas or just, just say something,

Joe Fier:

get something off your chest.

Joe Fier:

Like that's, that's how you get directly, uh, holding me there.

Joe Fier:

Go listen to the podcast.

Joe Fier:

You know, we mentioned Hustle and Flowchart, find it

Joe Fier:

HustleAndFlowchart.Com or on YouTube.

Joe Fier:

You can look up my name, Joe Fier.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

F I E R.

Joe Fier:

Um, I mean, that's how you can see more of these topics wrapped

Joe Fier:

in kind of a business sense.

Joe Fier:

But I'd say it's great for any driven person, you know, because the whole thing

Joe Fier:

is, I'm always, you know, do the best he can and excel kind of like what we've

Joe Fier:

been talking, but find your enough, like find when it call it a balance, more

Joe Fier:

like a harmony in what you're doing.

Joe Fier:

And that's, that's what I like to talk about there on the show.

Joe Fier:

So those are the two ways.

Joe Fier:

Thank you.

Joe Fier:


Mike Forrester:

Absolutely, man.

Mike Forrester:

I appreciate it.

Mike Forrester:

So thank you so much, Joe.

Joe Fier:


Joe Fier:

And Hey, can't wait to hear from y'all.

Joe Fier:

So, uh, reach out.

Joe Fier:

I'll be waiting.

Mike Forrester:


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About the Podcast

Living Fearless Today
Helping men live fully alive, boldly and courageously
Do you feel overwhelmed when making decisions? Struggle to take action in your personal life or career? Think you're alone in these situations? You're not! In fact, you're in good company. 
I'm Mike Forrester, host of the Living Fearless Today podcast. Join me as I interview other men who triumphed over their own adversities, learn how they did it and where they are today. So that whatever you're facing, know others fought the same battle and have conquered those challenges. They are now encouraging you and me to live our life boldly and courageously alongside them.
Let's disprove the lie that we're the only one who's going through this situation, that no one knows what it's like. You're not alone in the struggle you're working through. As men, we have more in common in our journey than you might want to believe.
Join me here each Tuesday for the interview and then again on Friday as I spotlight the lessons learned. How we can apply them to become the confident and courageous man we're wanting to be - for ourselves, our wife and our children.
Be sure to give a follow to the Living Fearless Today podcast on your favorite platform. I look forward to being with you during the next episode.

About your host

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Mike Forrester

Mike Forrester is a men's transformation coach, founder of the Living Fearless coaching programs, and host of the Living Fearless Today podcast. His insights, methods and stories of overcoming childhood trauma, dyslexia and loss of loved ones have been featured on various podcasts, including Hanging Onto Hope, Extreme Health, Own Your Life Own Your Career and Think Unbroken.